Become a Donor Today!
Your gift to the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence presents many new opportunities for adults and their children escaping dangerous situations. You are helping them find comfort instead of violence and acceptance instead of oppression. Your contribution enables us to provide more emergency financial assistance to victims, more trainings to domestic violence shelters and rape crises center staff, more legal assistance to immigrant families dealing with domestic violence, and more public policy advocacy to protect survivors of domestic and sexual violence. By sustaining the Coalition, you help broaden horizons and inspire confidence, which is invaluable to future endeavors.
How can your gift make a difference?
$25 - Covers the cost of mailing a survivor's application and supporting documents to USCIS (immigrations services) so that she and her children can stay safe in the United States.
$75 - Changes the locks on a survivors home
$150 - Covers the cost of a bus ticket for a survivor to flee to safety and reunite with family.
$500 - Covers some or all of the cost of a security deposit on a safe permanent home for a survivor and family.
$3,500 - Covers the cost of full legal representation for a survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking.
Extend your impact by selecting "monthly" for donation frequency:
When you become a member of the Tennessee Coalition's monthly giving program, you join a special group of supporters that provide the Coalition with a consistent and reliable source of funding. A monthly gift allows us to provide more emergency financial assistance to victims of domestic & sexual violence statewide.
Planned Giving:
The Tennessee Coalition has many opportunities to leave your legacy through planned giving. If you would like to discuss these options or make a stock gift, please contact Kristina Calvin, Director of Community Outreach & Development at (615) 386-9406 or